The Great Firewall of China: Internet Censorship and Surveillance

Ah, the Great Firewall of China – a testament to human ingenuity in the pursuit of control, and the reason why millions of people have never experienced the joys of cat videos on YouTube. The Great Firewall, officially known as the Golden Shield Project, was born in the late 1990s as a way to maintain strict censorship and surveillance over the Chinese population’s internet usage. The Chinese government wanted to ensure that their citizens didn’t get any funny ideas about things like democracy, free speech, or Facebook addiction. Strap in as we take a conversational and humorously dark journey through the history, implications, and consequences of one of the world’s most notorious digital barriers.

In this rollercoaster of an article, we’ll explore some infamous censorship events that have unfolded under the watchful eye of the Great Firewall, as well as the role corporations have played in feeding this insatiable beast. And fear not, privacy advocates! We’ll also discuss some privacy-conscious alternatives that can help you dodge the omnipresent digital dragons!

The Great Firewall: A Cautionary Tale

Picture this: it’s 1989, and thousands of brave souls are gathering in Tiananmen Square, demanding democracy and free speech. Little do they know, their fight will be brutally suppressed and all but erased from the nation’s memory, thanks to the Great Firewall’s penchant for rewriting history. Flash forward to 2010, when Google had a “come-to-Jesus moment” and decided to stop censoring search results in China, leading to a messy breakup with the Chinese government. Oh, and let’s not forget the 2018 VPN crackdown, when the authorities metaphorically slammed the door on VPN services, leaving many Chinese internet users feeling like they were grounded for life.

These are just a few examples of how the Great Firewall has flexed its iron-fisted muscles to keep information on a short leash. And while we can all have a chuckle at the sheer absurdity of some of these incidents, they have real, serious implications for individual freedoms and human rights. Chinese citizens have become incredibly resourceful at finding ways to circumvent censorship, using clever wordplay and memes to discuss sensitive topics. It’s like a game of digital whack-a-mole, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. So, next time you complain about your slow Wi-Fi, remember that at least you can still binge-watch conspiracy theory documentaries on Netflix.

Corporate Complicity: Feeding the Beast

Now, let’s talk about the enablers – the corporations that have, willingly or not, thrown their lot in with the Chinese government in the name of profit. Take Apple, for example, a company that preaches privacy and freedom, yet has removed VPN apps from its Chinese App Store faster than you can say “hypocrisy.” Or Cisco Systems, who have reportedly helped China build the very infrastructure that enables the Great Firewall to stand tall and proud. And let’s not forget Microsoft, who quietly agreed to censor search results on Bing to keep their share of the Chinese market. It seems that when it comes to making a buck, even the most righteous companies can’t resist the siren song of the Chinese market.

This corporate complicity raises questions about the ethical responsibility of companies to stand up for what’s right versus their never-ending quest for profits. Are these companies merely trying to survive in a cutthroat market, or are they actively enabling oppression? It’s a tricky question to answer, but one thing’s for sure: it’s hard not to feel a little cynical when these same companies preach about values and freedom, while simultaneously throwing Chinese users under the proverbial bus. Let’s just say that if the Great Firewall had a LinkedIn profile, it would be flooded with endorsements from some of the biggest names in tech.

Privacy-Conscious Alternatives: Dodging the Digital Dragons

But fear not, dear readers, for all is not lost in this dystopian digital landscape. There are still some privacy-conscious alternatives that can help internet users avoid the watchful eye of Big Brother. VPNs have been a go-to choice for bypassing censorship, but with the 2018 crackdown, it’s become harder to find a reliable one in China. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only the haystack is made of firewalls and the needle is a lifeline to internet freedom.

Fortunately, there are other options like the Tor Network, which offers anonymous browsing through a series of encrypted connections, allowing users to surf the web without leaving a trace. Mesh networks are another option, providing decentralized internet access by connecting devices directly to one another. And let’s not forget encrypted messaging platforms like Signal and Telegram, which make eavesdropping on your conversations as difficult as deciphering the meaning of life. While these alternatives can’t guarantee total privacy, they’re a start in the battle against digital tyranny. So, don your digital armor, grab your VPN shield, and let’s take a stand for internet freedom – because the only thing more terrifying than a world without privacy is a world where everyone knows about your secret obsession with pimple-popping videos.


As we wrap up this darkly humorous exploration of the Great Firewall of China, it’s important to remember that the impact of this digital barrier stretches far beyond the confines of the Chinese borders. The Great Firewall is a stark reminder of the power governments wield over the flow of information and the inherent fragility of our online freedoms. It’s as if George Orwell’s 1984 and an overbearing parent had a digital lovechild, and now that child is all grown up and ready to rule the internet.

The responsibility to preserve internet freedom and privacy falls not only on individuals but also on corporations and governments. We must all take action to support privacy-conscious technologies and resist the encroachment of digital surveillance in our lives. Because, at the end of the day, the internet should be a place where knowledge is shared freely, ideas are exchanged openly, and cat videos can be enjoyed by all – no matter which side of the Great Firewall you’re on. So, let’s work together to build a digital world where freedom prevails, and the only walls we encounter are the ones we build in Minecraft.

Zhan Shu


Zhan Shu is a young Chinese native and tech blogger, driven by her passion for human rights and privacy advocacy. With a background in computer science, Zhan uses her expertise to explore the intersection of technology and digital freedom. Through her blog, she raises awareness about censorship, surveillance, and the latest privacy tools, courageously pushing for change in the face of the Great Firewall’s challenges.

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