Tag: China

  • The Dual Future of the Information Age: AI vs Crypto

    The Dual Future of the Information Age: AI vs Crypto




    The Information Age has brought rapid technological change and global connectivity. But emerging technologies also pose a question about the future structure of society: will they decentralize power or concentrate it? The book The Sovereign Individual by William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson envisioned a future where individuals leverage technology to decentralize power away from…

  • Evolution of Privacy in China: From Traditional Culture to the Information Age

    Evolution of Privacy in China: From Traditional Culture to the Information Age




    Have you ever wondered how privacy has evolved in the world’s most populous country, China? From a deeply rooted traditional culture to the lightning-fast digital era, the Chinese perception of privacy has undergone a fascinating transformation. In this article, we’ll take a friendly and conversational stroll down memory lane, exploring the historical and cultural factors…

  • The Great Firewall of China: Internet Censorship and Surveillance

    The Great Firewall of China: Internet Censorship and Surveillance




    Ah, the Great Firewall of China – a testament to human ingenuity in the pursuit of control, and the reason why millions of people have never experienced the joys of cat videos on YouTube. The Great Firewall, officially known as the Golden Shield Project, was born in the late 1990s as a way to maintain…