
Peru, a country renowned for its ancient historical tapestry and mesmerizing natural splendors, has been progressively venturing towards digital modernization. Yet, the voyage towards a digitally inclusive society comes with a medley of challenges, particularly in guaranteeing digital rights, online freedom, and internet privacy. The digital terrain of Peru is further molded by its international affiliations, such as its membership in the Organization of American States, which potentially influences its digital policy framework. Amidst the push for digitalization, the key hurdles of ensuring a safe and free digital space loom large, reflecting a microcosm of broader global digital rights discourse.

Internet Censorship and Freedom

Freedom of speech or censorship in Peru is a complex and evolving topic. According to Freedom House, Peru’s status declined from Free to Partly Free in 2021 due to extended political clashes between the presidency and Congress since 2017 that have heavily disrupted governance and anticorruption efforts, strained the country’s constitutional order, and resulted in an irregular succession of four presidents within three years. Peru’s media is also rated as partly free, with legal, economic, and political pressures affecting its independence and diversity. Censorship in Peru has been prevalent throughout its history, especially during the periods of military rule and the Fujimori decade, when newspapers, television channels, and radio stations were expropriated, closed, or subjected to government oversight. However, Peru has also established democratic political institutions and undergone multiple peaceful transfers of power, and some independent press organizations have managed to survive and report on issues of public interest. Freedom of speech or censorship in Peru is therefore a dynamic and contested issue that reflects the country’s social and political realities.

Peer-to-Peer Services and Torrenting

Torrenting in Peru resides in a gray area; it’s neither explicitly illegal nor entirely safe. Despite the absence of specific laws or regulations prohibiting or penalizing peer-to-peer networks for file sharing, various factors could potentially expose users to legal or cyber threats. One significant aspect is Peru’s commitment to several international treaties and agreements safeguarding intellectual property rights, like the Berne Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. These agreements obligate Peru to uphold and enforce content creators’ and owners’ rights and collaborate internationally in battling piracy and infringement. Additionally, Peru’s legal framework encompasses civil and criminal actions against intellectual property rights violations through laws like the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the Criminal Code, and the Law on Repression of Illicit Competition. These laws delineate penalties like fines, imprisonment, or activity suspension for unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of protected works.

Furthermore, past instances of blocking or restricting access to certain social media platforms and websites during times of political and social turmoil could impact torrenting sites and services’ availability and performance, along with user privacy and security. The lack of specific laws or regulations concerning communication interception, such as wiretapping, metadata collection, or encryption standards, leaves users’ online activities potentially open to surveillance or monitoring by third parties like ISPs, government agencies, or hackers. Given these complexities surrounding torrenting in Peru, users should be well-informed of the associated risks and undertake precautionary measures. Utilizing reliable VPN services, reputable antivirus software, secure torrent clients, trusted torrent sites, selective torrent downloaders, and legal torrent sites offering free, public domain, or creative commons licensed content are suggested means to mitigate legal or cyber threats while torrenting in Peru.

Media Websites and Social Media Access

Peru has blocked or restricted access to some social media platforms and websites in the past, especially during periods of political and social unrest. For example, in 2019, the Peruvian government temporarily blocked access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and YouTube during a constitutional crisis that led to the dissolution of Congress. In 2020, the government also blocked access to several news websites that were critical of its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, some internet service providers in Peru have been known to throttle or block peer-to-peer file sharing and torrenting services. However, Peru does not have a systematic or pervasive internet censorship regime, and most online content and services are generally accessible. Users who want to bypass any potential restrictions or access geo-blocked content can use a VPN service to change their IP address and location.

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is an area that requires further regulatory attention in Peru. The general behavior of ISPs concerning net neutrality principles is not well documented, which calls for a more comprehensive approach to ensure a fair and open internet.

Legal Framework

The legal framework in Peru concerning digital privacy rights is described as ambiguous and outdated, lacking specific laws or regulations on crucial areas like visual surveillance, communication interception, workplace monitoring, and government access to data. This inadequacy extends to regulation of CCTV cameras, drones, facial recognition systems, wiretapping, metadata collection, encryption standards, employee surveillance, email monitoring, social media policies, data requests, data retention, and data breaches. These gaps in the legal framework present significant challenges in assuring respect and protection of digital privacy rights. To mitigate these privacy risks, individuals are advised to employ various protective tools and techniques like VPNs, encryption, anonymization, pseudonymization, or data minimization to bolster their online privacy and security.

Surveillance and Privacy

Peru, while not broadly recognized as a “surveillance state,” harbors substantial digital privacy issues affecting its populace as per a report by Comparitech, scoring 2.9 out of 5 concerning privacy protection and surveillance state status. This score elucidates some level of safeguards yet weakened protections. The country lacks constitutional privacy rights protection, an independent data protection authority, and possesses a slow, often corrupt judicial system. Furthermore, there’s extensive biometric data collection and retention, such as fingerprints and facial images for identification cards, passports, visas, and criminal records, alongside a considerable amount of personal data sharing with other nations, particularly within the Latin American region through various agreements. Noteworthy too is the occasional blocking or restriction of access to some social media platforms and websites, especially during times of political and social upheaval.


The journey of Peru towards a digitally inclusive society mirrors a delicate balance between embracing modernization and safeguarding digital rights and privacy. As the country strides forward on the digital pathway, the challenges encountered offer a vista into the complex interplay of technology, legislation, and individual rights. The crux of Peru’s digital narrative hinges on aligning with global standards to foster a conducive environment for digital freedom, thereby shaping a progressive digital landscape for its denizens. The aspiration ahead is a digital domain that is accessible, open, and respectful of individual rights and freedoms, embodying a harmonious blend of the country’s rich historical ethos with the imperatives of the modern digital age.

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