Is a VPN needed in Benin?

Benin, a West African nation with a rich cultural heritage and democratic governance, faces a complex landscape in the realm of digital rights and online freedom. Although the country has made notable strides in digitalization, challenges persist in areas like freedom of expression, data privacy, and internet accessibility. This article explores these multifaceted issues in Benin’s digital landscape.

Freedom of Expression and Censorship

Freedom of expression in Benin is generally respected, but recent developments suggest that this freedom is increasingly at risk. In April 2019, the country experienced a total internet shutdown on the day of its parliamentary elections. The shutdown came after several social media platforms and communication apps were blocked earlier in the day. This move coincided with accusations that the government was excluding political opposition from the elections.

Additionally, the High Authority for Broadcasting and Communication (HAAC) has ordered the immediate closure of all “unauthorized” online media outlets, potentially creating a means to silence dissident voices. These actions have raised serious concerns about the state of online freedom and democratic values in Benin.

P2P and Torrenting Policies

Benin has a relatively liberal stance toward peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and torrenting. However, international copyright laws are applicable, and illegal sharing of copyrighted material could result in legal repercussions.

Government Surveillance

In 2013, Benin experienced a wiretapping scandal involving accusations of executive overreach and a telecoms company. The surveillance measures in Benin are applicable to any person on whom there are serious reasons to collect information for intelligence purposes, except members of the government. However, it is unclear how extensive government surveillance is in the country and whether it has increased or decreased in recent years.

Social Media Access

While social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are generally accessible, the government has demonstrated the capability to block these platforms. In the lead-up to the 2019 parliamentary elections, major social media platforms were temporarily blocked. This has raised concerns about how the Beninese government might control information flow during politically sensitive times.

Furthermore, the HAAC’s recent directive to shut down unauthorized online media outlets could extend to social media, especially when these platforms are used for news dissemination. The lack of clarity around the implementation of such directives creates uncertainty and could potentially stifle free speech and democratic engagement on social media platforms. This ambiguity has led to concerns that the government might utilize these measures to silence opposition or control narratives, thereby undermining the democratic fabric of the nation.

Data Retention Laws

Benin lacks comprehensive data retention laws, resulting in a regulatory vacuum. The absence of such legislation is a concern, particularly in light of increasing digitization and the need for secure data storage.


Benin presents a mixed picture when it comes to digital rights and online freedom. While the country has made progress in digitalization, recent actions like internet shutdowns and the HAAC’s crackdown on online media outlets show that challenges remain. These issues are a reminder that as Benin continues to advance digitally, it must also safeguard the digital rights and freedoms of its citizens.

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