In the labyrinthine world of cybersecurity, Kaspersky Lab has carved out a name for itself as a leading antivirus and security software provider. Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Moscow, the company has had its share of accolades and controversies. Kaspersky gained significant recognition for its role in uncovering state-sponsored cyber-attacks, including the Stuxnet worm that targeted Iranian nuclear facilities. However, the company has also faced scrutiny, most notably in 2017 when the U.S. government banned federal agencies from using Kaspersky software over concerns that the Russian government could exploit its access to U.S. systems. Amid this backdrop, Kaspersky offers a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, adding another layer to its cybersecurity portfolio. Intriguingly, the VPN infrastructure is managed by Pango Group, which is owned by the conglomerate Aura. This relationship raises questions about Kaspersky VPN’s commitment to privacy, given that multiple entities are involved in data processing and management. In this article, we’ll explore the details of Kaspersky’s VPN service, examining its features, privacy policies, and the implications of its association with Pango and Aura.
App Privacy
Our analysis of the app’s network connections reveals some intriguing insights. While Kaspersky does maintain connections that are integral to its core security functions—such as touch.kaspersky.com
and edge.geo.kaspersky.com
—the story doesn’t end there. The app engages with an assortment of analytics and tracking services, including various appsflyersdk.com
subdomains, firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com
, and app-measurement.com
. This paints a picture of an app that’s not just focused on security but also has its fingers in the analytics and tracking jar. Adding another layer of complexity, Kaspersky employs a multitude of unique subdomains related to its own services, raising questions about the necessity of such intricacy. For the privacy-conscious user, these details cast a shadow on Kaspersky’s otherwise reputable image, ultimately placing it in the “D” category of our privacy rating scale. So, while Kaspersky may offer robust security features, those looking for an equally strong commitment to privacy might want to tread carefully.
Terms of Use
In the digital age, scrutinizing the Terms of Use of any software solution is crucial for maintaining one’s privacy and security. Kaspersky’s Software solution, according to its Terms of Use, collects an extensive array of user data ranging from email addresses and unique IDs to sensitive financial information and device-specific details. While some data collection is necessary for the software’s core functionalities like managing licenses and remote control of security levels, the breadth and variety of data being collected raise questions for privacy-conscious users. Notably, the terms also mention that using external authentication providers subjects your data to another set of policies, adding another layer to consider in terms of data security.
Adding to the complexity, the software operates under the legislation of the Russian Federation, which could entail different data protection standards than those you may be accustomed to. The terms also prohibit users from independently assessing the software’s security, limiting your ability to gauge its robustness. While Kaspersky is a respected name in the cybersecurity world, the extent of data collection and other stipulations in their Terms of Use necessitate a thorough evaluation, especially if you prioritize privacy and data security. Always remember, the devil is in the details—or in this case, the fine print.
Privacy Policy
Kaspersky’s Privacy Policy further expands on how user data is collected and processed, with specific attention to marketing and VPN functionalities. The policy points out that some statistics are used explicitly for marketing purposes, aiming to improve the quality of the application and offer targeted security solutions. While the policy does specify that the collected data cannot be linked to your online activity, it introduces Adaptive Security technology for Android, which ‘normalizes’ website and app information by deleting all personal data before checking against Kaspersky’s reputation cloud database. It’s worth noting that while the Terms of Use prohibits users from independently assessing the software’s security, the Privacy Policy emphasizes that they adhere to “the highest data protection standards.”
Interestingly, the policy explicitly states that your online activity is not logged and that data is never used for advertising. This is in line with the Terms of Use, which also does not mention any third-party advertising. However, one point to consider is the involvement of Pango as the VPN service provider. While Kaspersky processes data required for the application to function, Pango processes data needed to arrange VPN sessions. Despite the division of labor, both companies claim not to log online activity. The Privacy Policy could be clearer on how Pango aligns with Kaspersky’s data protection standards, especially given that VPNs are often used specifically for enhanced privacy and security. As always, understanding the full scope of data collection and usage requires vigilance and a careful read of both the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
See also: