
100TB (originally 10TB in ~2008) was a subsidiary of UK2 Group, owned by The Hut Group / Ingenuity and partnered with SoftLayer[1] (which is now IBM Cloud). They were downstream of GTT Backbone (AS3257), and Cogent Communications (AS147). As of May 2022 their website 100tb.com redirects to the parent company, Ingenuity Cloud Services.

UK2 Group is a British company that provides web hosting and related services, including domain registration, virtual private servers, and cloud hosting. The company was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in London, England. UK2 Group operates several brands, including UK2.net, Midphase, WestHost, AN Hosting, 100TB, and others. The company serves customers in over 200 countries around the world.

About 1% of the 780+ VPN servers we tested run on 100TB infrastructure.

Some old screenshots

Back in 2008 when they were 10TB.com

Website: uk2group.com

Founded: 1998

ASN: 13213

VPNs That Use 100TB / UK2Group

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